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Monday 11 July at Summerfestival there will be the great Roger Waters, directly from Pink Floid to ignite the city of Lucca with a special concert to be held at the Balilla field, in a [...]

We inform our guests that the shop will be open on Easter and Monday Easter from 9.30 am to 7.00 pm   Happy Easter!  [...]   spectacular floats, local parties, fireworks and a modicum of irreverence: If this [...]

From Friday 26 to Sunday, February 28 RIONE MARCO POLO Sunday, February 28 - 3PM 4th COURSE GALA MASKED Saturday, March 5 - 6.30PM 5th COURSE MASKED NIGHT CLOSE After [...]

To Lu.CCA Contemporary Art: "De Chirico, Savinio and Les Italiens de Paris" By Stefano Cecchetto and Maurizio Vanni from October 17, 2015 to February 14, 2016 Visiting [...]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all the staff of  Tourist Center Lucca!! [...]

Christmas time in Lucca? Here are all the events planned! - Christmas in Amphitheatre square - Christmas Fair in Piazza Napoleone from December 5, 2015 to January 6, 2016 - A [...]

Tastes and knowledge of Lucca - From November 14 to December 8, every weekend in Real Collegio, behind the San Frediano Church. Days and opening hours November 14-15 , 21-22, [...]

Less than a week in Lucca Comics & Games 2015! The most exciting European event in the field of comics, animation, role playing and board games, video games and [...]

October 18, 2015 FAI D'AUTUNNO (An Automn day with FAI) returns,to discover a different Italy. For the occasion, the city of Lucca has organized for the first time the event with the [...]

Concerts with free admission starting at 9:15pm: -Saturday September 26 in Artè (Capannori, Via Carlo Piaggia), "Circle Time" Cecilia Sanchietti jazz project. [...]

In September, at the commemoration of the Holy Cross, in the days of the most important celebrations, stalls give life to a great fair. The fair takes place in Via Borgo Giannotti, [...]

September 13 will march in the Old Town and the traditional religious procession civil told the "Illuminations" of the Holy Cross with the usual route from St. Frediano to the [...]

On August 29, 2015 will be held in Lucca The White Night, everything open from 7pm to late in the night.   As usual, the evening will begin with the performance of flag [...]

Villa Bottini, Via Elisa - the movie starts at 9.30pm The Summer Cinema returns to Villa Bottini with a novelty: the creation of small performances will be open the films, the [...]

Photo exhibition of Giuseppe Trombetti With this photo exhibition the author imagines travel a long path ideal in our mountains, trying to portray some of the entities that most [...]

Firing cannon salutes of Historica lucense in honor of the Patron Saint and in memory of the miracle of San Paolino of July 12, 1664 - 12.00am; Concert Choir Woodson (Virginia - USA) - in [...]

With the arrival of July,in Lucca Summer Festival begins. The outdoor concerts will be held as always in Piazza Napoleone, the main square of the old town, starting at [...]

From June 6 to 13 will be held the Amphitheatre Jazz Festival, International Festival of Jazz music by Renzo Cresti. Concerts will take place in Piazza Amphitheatre and will be held [...]

Summer  with music by Giacomo Puccini .   Thursday, June 4 at 6:00pm - Madama Butterfly in Piazza Cittadella .   Ticket price 10 euro   Office of [...]

Lucca became the center of the world Vegan and Cruelty - free , with the second edition of the event dedicated to all those who follow the ethics and the vegan lifestyle . Lucca Vegan [...]

From May 9 to June 2, 2015 exposition to free admission to the great German Peter Zadek. The exhibition will be divided into two spaces: the Palais des Expositions Foundation Banca [...]

In the halls of The Real Collegio in Lucca (behind the Church of San Frediano), Saturday May 9th and Sunday May 10 there will be the 14th Preview wines of Tuscany coast. A path [...]

From April 24 to 27, 2015 it will take place in Piazza Anfiteatro, Piazza Scalpellini, Piazza San Frediano and Via Fillungo Piazza S.Frediano and Piazza Anfiteatro is covered with [...]

The story of a great photographer through 136 shots linked to more than 60-year career at the Lucca Contemporary Art Musuem.   From April 18 to August 30, 2015 from Tuesday [...]

In Foro Boario April 10 and 11, 2015 two days dedicated to the great blues. Like last year, the proceeds from the festival will be donated to Emergency.   Friday, April 10 at [...]

A party that will see the Old Town of Lucca divided into 10 thematic areas, where traders will be the protagonists - setting up their own local inspired by a movie - and participants will [...]

From March 27 to 29, 2015 will be held Verdemura, exhibition/market gardening and outdoor living. Over 150 exhibitors, on the Walls of Lucca, precisely on the Platform San Frediano, Porta [...]

From March 10 to March 15, 2015 will be held in Lucca Dance Meeting, great festival of dance shows, raids, internships, competitions and exhibitions, thanks to the efforts of the City of [...]

From February 15 to May 3, 2015 three exhibitions organized by the Comitato Nuovi Eventi per Lucca partner with the Festival and produced by the Toronto International Film Festival and [...]

The most famous and amazing carnival , along with that of Venice, is undoubtedly the Carnival of Viareggio : more than a thousand wagons in 141 years.The large ironic and ornamental [...]

Merry Christmas and Happy new year from all the staff of  Tourist Center Lucca!  If you are in Lucca don't miss the events that take place for celebrate Christmas. You will [...]

The Photolux Festival will run from November 22 to December 14 , 2014.Lucca fills with exhibitions, workshops, courses and discussions for this exciting international photography [...]

From November 22nd to December 22nd a calendar of events and musical events dedicated to Giacomo Puccini, since Saturday, November 29, 2014 the 90th anniversary of his death. Saturday, [...]

From November 15 to December 8 , 2014 every weekend from 10.00am to 7.30pm, The Desco will attend the Real Collegio, behind Piazza San Frediano in Lucca to delight your palate. An event [...]

At the new greenhouses of the Botanical Garden of Lucca it will be an exhibition dedicated to displays of fruits and wild berries collected in the field and in the woods that grow wild in [...]

Event is nearly perhaps the most popular and best known in Lucca, Lucca Comics & Games 2014. Issues per year richest pavilions, exhibitions and event side always in the beautiful [...]

Special edition full of other small events and meeting places: from yesterday Friday, October 24 with the opening of the great Lucca Marathon Expo to the grand final with the sixth [...]

The Madonna di San Giorgio alla Costa, painting by Giotto, will be exhibited for the first time in Lucca until 8 December, in the Church of San Franceschetto, attached to the monument [...]

In the historic center of Lucca in Corso Garibaldi will take place from October 10th to OCtober 12th the exhibition of food and wine, craft and trade items of Italian production. Friday [...]

For the fourth edition of Lucca Winter Festival, national and international stars will perform in the picturesque scenery of the Teatro del Giglio.  The concerts are [...]

Saturday,October 4th 2014 with Lucca Movie Effect, Lucca becomes a movie set in the open air.  Our city will be divided into five areas: FICTION, GANGSTER, COMEDY, MUSICAL, THE [...]

On September 20, comes the first edition Histrionika, a festival that focus on one evening on the Bastion of St. Colombano, from 5.00pm to 11.00pm, jugglers, clowns, acrobats, [...]

With Luna Park by the end of August and the Feast of the Holy Cross begins on September Lucchese.  The Feast of the Holy Cross is a celebration of real importance to Lucca in which [...]

14th edition of Murabilia - Walls in Bloom with the main theme "Food Plants of the World," the common thread between thematic exhibitions and exhibitors to the rediscovery of [...]

From August 28 to September 8, 2014 will be held in MonteCarlo in Toscana the Wine Festival. As every year for over 45 years will be set up  popular music shows, exhibitions, [...]

To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the walls this last weekend in August will be held on Ring Festival, the works of contemporary dance and performance.    A [...]

On August 23, 2014 will be held in Lucca White Night, the third edition of the long-awaited summer event . Rich program of artistic, cultural and fun to discover the historical center [...]

Reenactment of the ancient optical communication system used for alerting the militia of Lucca.  Platform San Frediano 4:00pm Bastion San Martino 5:00pm Home Reports 6:30pm [...]

Exhibition and sale of household items, home accessories, items for the person, all unique and original.    Saturday 2 and Sunday, August 3rd in Piazza Cittadella zone [...]

Giacomo Puccini Foundation and Teatro del Giglio together to Follow Puccini in Lucca, a journey into three stages of knowledge and deepening of the city of Lucca, Puccini and his great [...]

On July 26 and 27, 2014 is scheduled for the 49th edition of the Rally Cup Città di Lucca. An event not to be missed especially for fans.  Registration is open for a [...]

At the museum Lu.CCA Contemporary Art, the exhibition will be held RETROSPECTIVE ROBERT CAPA from July 5th to November 2nd 2014.    Edited by Maurizio [...]

Since 2004, every two years, this year marks the contemporary art exhibition Cartasia. From June 28 to August 2, 2014, the exhibition shows how the central theme of the seventh edition [...]

Missing just over a week now awaited event every summer in Lucca, Lucca Summer Festival.  Also this year will be attended by more garndi national and international artists to [...]

At the start other two days of action for those who choose to walk one of the trails of the Via Francigena Tuscany and want to stop and wants to stay in the city of the 100 churches. Today: [...]

The Festival started yesterday Fridat,June 13 at the Palazzo Ducale, in the picturesque salt Ademollo and Maria Luisa, will continue over the weekend of June 14 and 15. The event, [...]

Every Saturday and Sunday in June, with the exception of Sunday, June 22 (as it coincides with the feast of Corpus Christi), at Segromigno in Monte of Capannori (LU), the traditional [...]

Photo exhibition by Nicola Ughi, Tuscan photojournalist known for his work in the equestrian world and for his research on the landscape and the people who inhabit it, which on this [...]

The International festival of jazz music , edited by Renzo Cresti will take place in Piazza Anfiteatro , Lucca's historical center . Here's below you will find the [...]

LUCCA VEGAN FRIENDS  May 31 and June 1 to 2 ,2014   Piazza Napoleone for 3 days becomes the capital of the world VEGAN and CRUELTY-FREE.  LUCCA VEGAN [...]

Rai SImphony Orchestra conductor and soloist Alexander Lonquich    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  Concerto no. 17 for Piano and Orchestra in G major [...]

The Mille Miglia back to cross the town of Lucca Saturday, May 17th 2014. 450 vintage cars and VIPs to be followed in Lucca and parade at 3pm for half a turn of the Walls. At 1pm will [...]

-The Birthplace Museum Puccini at the European Night of Museums will be open from 9pm to 12.00pm (last entry 11.30pm).  Input groups of 25 people every 30 minutes.  Admission is [...]

The Artistic Jewellery School presents "SILENCE, BEYOND THE FORM, IN THE TIME."  The exhibition of sculptures and jewelry Annamaria Zanella and Renzo Pasquale, photographs [...]

Tonight at 6.00pm Talk Show with the presence of the artist Bernard Guillot and the Director of the Museum Lu.CCA Maurizio Vanni.    Free [...]

Opening the third season of the Institute of Music concert Baralli  Quartet and Piano Recital  Federico Nicoletta - Piano  Grazia Raimondi - Violin I  Katia [...]

On May 6, the tent - Castra Hosting in Piazza San Michele , from 13.45PM to 3.45PM the students of " S.Pertini " Make-up style hairstyles and perform ancient [...]

Remembering Alexander is the gala concert that Flam, Lucca Federation of musical associations,offers in the Palazzo Ducale in Mario Tobino Room with free [...]

Events and initiatives:    - Free concert of Edoardo Bennato - at 6pm in Piazza Aldo Moro, Capannori(Lucca) - National Museums of Palazzo Mansi and Villa Guinigi [...]

The Lucca Jazz Club , on the occasion of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the City Walls of Lucca, in collaboration with the Municipality of Lucca, Province of Lucca , the [...]

Happy Easter !! [...]

Ill Birthplace Museum Giacomo Puccini and the Cooperative Linketto offer visitors free tours (included in the ticket price).  This is the schedule:  - Saturday, April 19, the [...]

Exhibition "The Forge of Porta S. Donato: the activity of a potter in the seventeenth century Lucca" in the Barracks of the National Museum of Villa Guinigi.  The [...]

The Festival of Volunteers is scheduled to Lucca from April 10 to Aprile 13,2014, and the slogan for this year is Energy to makes free (Energie da liberare). "And to see the data [...]

Exhibition of gardening and outdoor living, on the Walls of Lucca  Time: Friday, April 4 (12am-7pm),  Saturday, April 5 (9.30am-7pm)  Sunday, April 6 [...]

This afternoon will be offered for tasting the new macaron Marie Antoinette along with the type of tea that bears the same name. At the boutique La Vela - Massimo Rebecchi La [...]

The event will be held on the weekends of March 15-16, 22-23 and 29 to 30. During the event will take place:  . Guided tours of the camelias  . Departures for the paths from [...]

From March, 15 to June,22 - Exhibitions in Lu.c.c.a Museum  "Inquieto Novecento" ( " The Restless Twentieth Century " ) Vedova, Vasarely, Christo, Cattelan, [...]

Greetings to all women of the world by all Tourist Center Lucca! [...]

For the second time the city of Lucca will host Dance Meeting , 2014, an event that includes several initiatives related to art and dance. The real stars are dancers between 10 and 20 [...]

After the inauguration yesterday, starting today, you can visit the exhibition "Art Fiorgen Lucca" located in Palazzo Guinigi. To pay tribute to the history and culture of the [...]

Sunday, February 23, at the Archaeological Museum Complex Of The Cathedral of Lucca, starts the initiative "Tea Time at the Museum: An afternoon in Lucca between art and [...]

By the Company of Archers of Lucca will be held at the Villa Bottini "the Renaissance Carnival" on Sunday, February 23 from 4pm to 6pm. A show of Antique Dances of Lucca and an [...]

It will be held today , Saturday, February 15, 2014 the opening ceremony of the Carnival of Viareggio 2014. The event will focus on Piazza Mazzini as tradition and celebrate the [...]

Best wishes for a Happy Valentine's Day from the Tourist Center. On the occasion of the feast of love has been organized a flashmob against violence against women and the reading of a [...]

Tonight and tomorrow night at 9pm and Sunday at 4.30pm, at the Teatro del Giglio, will be staged "Non si sa come (We do not know how)" by Luigi [...]

Who does not love chocolate? From February, 13 to 16 will be held again in Piazza Napoleone in Lucca, after the success of the first edition, "Love Chocolate" Festival of [...]

" 2 rounds 2 semi-finals 1 final yet to be agreed, would be at the edge of the distribution of natural frantoiana , but we are open to contamination 60 zuppisti 15 cooks 500 [...]

Famous as the Carnival of Venice, The Carnival of Viareggio begins next weekend, February 15 to March 9.    In particular, the dates for the famous Parades are those of [...]

Saturday, February 8th ,2014,  trip to the ring of the group Stipareccia.Il Mountain Bike Cai Lucca has chosen a picturesque setting to build the next route.  The [...]

Tonight at 9pm in Teatro San Girolamo to go into stage two monologues dedicated to love: "The human voice" a woman on the phone in her bedroom, clinging to the faint voice of [...]

Inaugurated today the exhibition inspired by camellias of Isabel Pacini. At 6pm, the exhibition opens with a concert and a tea tasting, in the Palazzo Delle Esposizioni in Piazza S. [...]

Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd February in Lucca in Piazza Cittadella, Via di Poggio,Piazza dei Cocomeri will take place on Market Art and Craft in San Paolino, with handmade items and the [...]

You can visit until next Sunday with 10-19 hours of the exhibitions "Alfredo Rapetti: re-writing lives" (entrance fee EUR to 7:05) and "Flaminia Mantegazza. Feelings [...]

FROM 15/12 TO 01/19/2014 the store is closed for holidays. Lucca Tourist Center wishes you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! We'll see you next year ! [...]

From November 21 across the 100 Italian dinners back to Slow Wine. Tonight at the restaurant "Il Mecenate" in Lucca (via del Fosso 94), adheres to a particular Menu to the [...]

From Tuesday, December 10 to Friday, February 7, 2013, at the National Museum of Villa Guinigi, barracks (via the Quarquonia) Show "Antonio Possenti. L'altra Parte.Carte di [...]

Fourth and last weekend IL DESCO, 2013, do not miss it!From the official website,below, this is the program for today and tomorrow: Saturday, December 7  11.00am / 1.00pm - Room [...]

Tonight at 9pm ends, in Oratorio degli Angeli Custodi Lucca, with free admission, the "Season of Autumn" of contemporary music organized by Cluster. The concert is titled [...]

From Saturday, December 7, 2013 and until Monday, January 6, 2014 , as every year in the historical center of Lucca in Piazza Napoleone there will be a skating rink , a carousel with [...]

LU.C.C.A Museum of Contemporary Art From November 23, 2013 al January 26, 2014 ALFREDO RAPETTI MOGOL, RE-WRITING LIVES The exhibition consists of paintings, sculptures and [...]

Saturday, November 30 ................................................................................   11.00 / 13.00 - Room Purple Wine School Industrial vs. Beer [...]

L.U.C.C.A Contemporary Art Museum Via della Fratta, 36 - Free Entry   Korean artist Nam Hong exhibited until December 18 of his works, in the halls of the Underground [...]

Urban Visions of great photographers, this is the theme of the first edition of Photolux Festival. From November 23 to December 15,2013 will be held in Lucca the new Photolux Festival, [...]

After the great success of the first weekend of Il Desco last week,below you can find the program of this second weekend:( from the official website SATURDAY NOVEMBER [...]

Program for the first weekend dedicated to the flavors Lucchesi by the Desco. SATURDAY NOVEMBER,16 13.00 - Yellow Room Slow Time Fair Coffee Hour Edited by Slow Food [...]

Il Desco is a popular event that allows you to meet Lucca tastes and knowledge of a land rich in wine and food resources . The 2013 edition of "Il Desco Lounge typical products of [...]

From  November 1st  to  March 30 ,Concerts by Puccini, Puccini and la sua Lucca, will take place every Friday (Entertainment: Puccini and Mozart) and Saturday [...]

New Wine and Oil: Festival in Monte Carlo! In the center of Monte Carlo, Piazza Carrara on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November from 3pm starts the "Festival of new wine and [...]

A special thank you to the thousands of visitors that the four days have passed to the Tourist Center and an " arrivederci " next year extended to [...]

Lucca Comics & Games is an international exhibition dedicated to comics of all time , animation and games and video games ( role-playing , board , card ) and the imaginary [...]

"The marathon of Lucca will race over a distance of 42,195 km , ie the distance set by the IAAF ( Internationatl Associaton of Athletics Federations ) and will also be valid as [...]

Terry Moore is a well known international artist , whose most important stories have female characters as protagonists particularly determined . Terry draws and gives birth to strong women [...]

Thanks to Junior Lucca , at Palazzo Ducale, are exposed original drawings by Beatrice Alemagna , one of the most popular contemporary authors and illustrators for children , a new [...]

This evening October ,22 2013will be held at 9:15pm in the church of the Servi di Lucca Italy in the first run of the monumental Eighth Symphony of the Austrian composer Anton [...]

Saturday 19 and Sunday, October 20, 2013 will be held in Lucca VI edition of the "Carta d'Epoca" Exhibition of Printing and Antiquarian Book Fair. Continue to grow the [...]

In October will usher in several exhibitions at the Italian Museum of Comics and Image of Lucca Muf . From October 12 ,2013 until January 6, 2014 , starts the exhibition " [...]

7th Festival Mushroom, Chestnut and Truffle Scorzone in Castiglione di Garfagnana (Lucca ) . Saturday, October 12 will be held the opening of Mycological and Photographic Show and from [...]

From October 12 to 19 ,2013 will host the ninth edition of the festival Lucca Jazz Donna 2013, with guests from Italy, Europe and the United States.   The program [...]

500 years of the Walls of Lucca. Today begins the celebration of this anniversary with music, cultural events and traditional dishes. This evening will be held The " White Night for [...]

This week , started Tuscany Cycling World Championships 2013. This Saturday, September 28, will host the Junior Men's race in line with departure at 09:00 o'clock from [...]

The exhibition "The fruits of autumn in the tables of the nineteenth century of the Botanical Garden" is held in Via Cesare Battisti 13 for two weekends (September 28 to 29, [...]

A month of music at Palazzo Pfanner, prestigious building and the beautiful gardens in the historic center of Lucca. Here is the program:   Friday, September 6 at 9:15pm at [...]

The Gran Fondo Mondiale Toscana 2013 will be held tomorrow, September 21 2013,that stars and finish in the city of Lucca.  Three routes as usual, one "long" which [...]

LUCCA INFIERA from September 13 to 22  Fair of Lucchese September Architecture and Construction Local Crafts Home Furniture Alternative Energy Associations & [...]

The first appointment with the big market of street vendors is fixed, as usual, on September 14, the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Croce.The merchants come together from all over Italy [...]

"The Feast of the Holy Cross is a celebration of deep intensity of faith in which citizens and institutions come together under the banner of the Volto Santo (Holy Face), the [...]

ll Teatro del Giglio, always considered an artistic and cultural landmark of the city of Lucca, has received recognition " Theatre Tradition". The activity of the Teatro del [...]

Choirs in concert to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Walls of Lucca, tomorrow, September 8, 2013 in Piazza San Martino, in front of the Cathedral, will be held at 6.30pm. This [...]

September 6,7,8 Murabilia -Mura in Fiore. Exhibition of amateur gardening quality organized by the Opera delle Mura and the Botanical Garden of Lucca. Themes of the XIII edition [...]

A Nozzano Castello di Lucca from  Augus t31 to September 1, the town relives the Middle Ages. Inside the event, you change coins in Matildi, Matildini Castrucci and [...]

From August 29 to September 8, those who visit Montecarlo will attend at musical performances and popular exhibitions , and appreciate cultural exhibitions of painting, wine tasting and [...]


Tourist Center Lucca

Piazzale Ricasoli, 203
55100 Lucca (LU)

Tel. + 39 0583 494401
Mob. + 39 338 8213952
Tourist Center Lucca Srl Unipersonale
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Piazzale Ricasoli, 203 - 55100 Lucca (LU)
Tel. + 39 0583 494401 - Mob. + 39 338 8213952
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