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Outdoor adventures
SUP excursion in Lucca
A fun outdoor activity, exploring hidden corners in nature, paddling along the Serchio river a few meters from Lucca. SUP, Stand up paddle, is a very fun and simple sport activity to learn, suitable for everyone, thanks to the large and stable boards for beginners made available to our expert guides, which allow you to stand on the water, letting yourself carrying by the current and paddling to follow the best direction. It is possible to "walk on water" in serenity different sections of the Serchio river: slightly pushed by the river, with some stops to swim and have a snack, observe fish and birds, the 3 hours of paddling downstream are surprising and easy for anyone, beginner or expert.  In any case it will represent an outdoor experience that will leave you with different feelings than usual, an experience in nature in Lucca to try absolutely!

Tandem Paragliding in Lucca
Paragliding tandem flight, that is, in tandem with the flight instructor, is a very strong outdoor experience, an extreme sport, which often leaves unique sensations in life. But it is an equally safe experience: the instructors have received awards in this sport and practice daily from their base-school; after the departure you just have to let go and you can also take pictures, you will have your hands free and the instructor will do everything. There are two possible starting points in the mountains north of Lucca, reachable in a short time. The flight school bus will then take you to the summit, about 800-1000m. The tandem flight takes about 20-30 minutes between the beautiful hills of Lucca and is only guaranteed on the last day after a careful analysis of the weather conditions. Flying has always been man's dream, the desire to overcome limits, that feeling of freedom and escape ...

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Opening time

9:30 - 19.00
every day

Tel. +39 0583 494401
Mob. + 39 338 8213952

Tourist Center Lucca Srl Unipersonale
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Piazzale Ricasoli, 203 - 55100 Lucca (LU)
Tel. + 39 0583 494401 - Mob. + 39 338 8213952
p. iva 02286920463 - rea n. 213188 - cap.soc. € 10.000,00 -
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