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Lucchese September 2013
"The Feast of the Holy Cross is a celebration of deep intensity of faith in which citizens and institutions come together under the banner of the Volto Santo (Holy Face), the sacred icon that has represented since the Middle Ages, one of the points of reference for the entire European religion.
Santa Croce is the feast of the city and all the people of Lucca, is the time when stronger manifests the identity of Lucca ,is an opportunity that draws our fellow citizens who reside abroad around the Holy Face, the "Lucchesi nel Mondo "find the sense of their land and thus their identity.
With the celebration of the Holy Cross has developed the Lucchese September, the period in which, thanks to the many local associations, is expressed more strongly the vitality that characterizes our territory. Even today, as in the past, the city collects in itself, traces its religious traditions and civil renewing his being united and cohesive communities: what has made in Lucca an example for others, often beyond the borders of national.
the Mayor
Alessandro Tambellini "
This week:
September 12
Day ecologista.Mostra market stalls with locally made handicrafts and Francigena night concert organized by International Arts Festival and Academy of Music F.Geminiani
Lucca-Forum Boarium from 4 to 12pm
September 13
Procession of the Holy Face to the Old Town.
Departure at 20 from the Basilica of San Frediano.
view from the city walls from 11.30pm.
September 14
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Lucca-San Martino Cathedral at 10.30 am.

Tourist Center Lucca

Piazzale Ricasoli, 203
55100 Lucca (LU)

Tel. + 39 0583 494401
Mob. + 39 338 8213952
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Piazzale Ricasoli, 203 - 55100 Lucca (LU)
Tel. + 39 0583 494401 - Mob. + 39 338 8213952
p. iva 02286920463 - rea n. 213188 - cap.soc. € 10.000,00 -
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