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Fourth and last weekend IL DESCO 2013
Fourth and last weekend IL DESCO, 2013, do not miss it!From the official website,below, this is the program for today and tomorrow:

Saturday, December 7 

11.00am / 1.00pm - Room Purple Wine School
Wines & Vines: Porto
Admission Euro 30.00 - Reservations required *
Edited by AIS Tuscany

11.00am / 7.30pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
The Gardens in Conduct : food education project of Slow Food. Space of information and disclosure with audiovisual material, information tables and displays
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi Conducted in collaboration with some of the Slow Food Tuscany and the City of Capannnori

1.00am - Yellow Room Slow Time
Fair Coffee Hour
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesiin collaboration with Equinox , Fair Trade

3.00pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
Slow Kids Workshop - Gardens in conduct: we meet, we talk , we sow .
Start from here " 16 gardens " in schools Capannori
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi Conducted in collaboration with the Slow Food and the guests Capannori

3.30pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
The Theater of Taste : the Terra Madre cooks present themselves through their TVs , followed by tasting and pairing with local wines
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi

4.00pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
Slow Kids Workshop - Me and Tea : Elena Pardini leads the Laboratory of tea
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi in collaboration with The Factory of the Camellia St. Andrew Task

5.00pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
Concert Choir of Children and Snacks Slow
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi

5.00 pm / 7:00 pm Wine School
Brunello di Montalcino : Horizontal
Admission Euro 30.00 - Reservations required *
Edited by AIS Tuscany

6.00pm / 7.30pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
Music Bars : with local products , bubbly and live music
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi

Sunday, December 8 

11.00am / 13.00am - Hall Desco Taste Wine
Brunello di Montalcino : Vertical
Admission Euro 30.00 - Reservations required *
Edited by AIS Tuscany

11.00am / 7.30pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
The food education projects of Capannori . Space of information and disclosure with audiovisual material, information tables and Show
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi in collaboration with the Municipality of Capannori

11.00am / 5.30pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
Lucca Biodynamics : stories of vineyards, fields , orchards , told by the protagonists
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi

12.00am - Yellow Room Slow Time
Aperitif: with local products
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi

1.00am - Yellow Room Slow Time
Fair Coffee Hour
Edited by Slow Food in collaboration with Association LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi Equinox , Fair Trade

3.00pm - Green Room Slow Kids
My afternoon snack : the children are informed . Desco filmed interviews carried out by the children of the schools involved in the Slow Food projects
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi in collaboration with the Municipality of Capannori

4.00pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
Slow Kids For Parents - Eat right move with gusto as breakfast , as a snack, talk about it with Iurilli Daniela , Nutritionist
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi in collaboration with the Municipality of Capannori

4.00pm - Green Room Slow Kids
Chocolate good , clean and fair : laboratory blind tasting , but not too much chocolate fair trade .
Edited by Slow Food in collaboration with Association LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi Equinox , Fair Trade

5.00pm / 7.00pm - Hall Desco Wine School
Champagne ... with a view!
Admission Euro 30.00 - Reservations required *
Edited by AIS Tuscany

5.00pm - Yellow Room Slow Time
Slow Snacks for Kids
Edited by Slow Food LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi

6.00pm - The Cloister Old
Dating :: Smoky introduction to the Toscano cigar and the smoke slowly: " Antico Toscano " red and biodynamic
Edited by Slow Food in collaboration with LuccaCompiteseOrtiLucchesi CFILucca

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